Principal's Welcome

St Ciarán’s Community School is a co-educational school which is multi-denominational in ethos and which operates under the joint patronage of the Catholic Bishop of Meath and LMETB. Our great strength lies in the broad curriculum we offer our students. This includes the Junior Cycle, established Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA), Level Two Learning Programmes (L2LP’s), Transition Year (TY) and Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP). We also have a purpose built ASD class suite in our school. This space provides a two-classroom Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) suite with a central activities space, a sensory garden and an outdoor courtyard. This accommodation facilitates the school and teaching staff to provide students with necessary educational and social supports. By including these facilities within the mainstream school setting, students develop social skills through participation in educational and social activities with their peers.

St. Ciarán’s is held in high esteem in the community and is a school rich in tradition and talents. We are proud that several past students are now working in our school. Former students have excelled in every facet of life such as sport, politics, science, religion, education, medicine, art, music, construction, engineering, aviation and agriculture.

At the heart of St Ciarán’s is a genuine concern for the welfare, happiness, dignity and self-worth of each student. We are very proud of the atmosphere of care and inclusion in St. Ciarán’s and we believe it adds to our unique ethos and culture. We strive to ensure that all students who come to St. Ciarán’s can reach their potential in a safe, secure and excellent learning and teaching environment. Our guidance and Pastoral care teams guide and support our students throughout their time with us. There are a large number of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities in which all students are encouraged to participate. Student Leadership and Student Voice are very important in the daily life of the school.

In partnership with Parents and Guardians, we strive to challenge those who are gifted and encourage those who need extra support to realise their full potential. Students are encouraged by our excellent team of dedicated teachers to work hard and reach their potential. Each year our students obtain top points and top grades in both the Leaving Certificate and Junior Cycle examinations. This is reflected in the success of our students being awarded scholarships in their chosen college annually. We are grateful to and wish to thank all the staff who share their time and expertise to ensure that we offer the very best opportunities to our students both inside and outside the classroom.

We endeavor to make the transition from Primary to Post Primary school for all students as easy as possible. We can assure you that our excellent team of teachers and staff will endeavor to help your son/daughter to integrate fully into our school community and to reach his/her potential. We will always be available to discuss your concerns and to help the students. We are so grateful for the help and cooperation that we receive from parents.

We aim to develop in each student a sense of responsibility and a set of values that enriches the personality of each person and those with whom they associate. We believe that our students are equipped with life skills for the future and a pride in themselves.

Cara McLoughlin


Sep 12
TY Enterprise Trip
Sep 13
Senior Gaelic Football (Away)
Sep 16
Junior Hurling (Home)
Sep 17
Senior Ladies Football (Home)
Kells, County Meath, A82N677
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