



St. Ciaráns Community School.

You are not alone.

There is a very active chaplaincy here in the school involved in all aspects of St. Ciaráns.

During the course of the year the Chaplain will strive to meet individually with 1st and 6th year students for an informal chat whilst always being available for any student to come and chat about any problems that may have arisen.

The Chaplain aims to create a non threatening atmosphere whereby all students, of any faith or none, may feel able to avail of the support provided within the school and know that they have somewhere to turn to. The Chaplain is present at the major events in the life of the school, not just the spiritual ones, because all these events are important to the students development.

Chaplaincy is very much of a ‘Pooh Bear’ thing - big words confuse and thus the Chaplain endeavours to be with the students at their own level and to try to help them in their journey of life. The Chaplain then is someone who is around and is able to listen. The motto of the Chaplain is ‘You are not alone’.

Spiritual Guidance

The Chaplain cares for the young people’s spiritual needs. They animate the spiritual life of the school community and offer opportunities to develop a meaningful relationship with God.

While many young people have difficulty with organised religion, they recognise their need for God. They have spirituality. The Chaplain is in the privileged position to help guide students and to explore various prayer methods which bring peace and fulfilment.

Liturgy and Sacraments

During the school year, the Chaplain, with the support of the R.E. Department, organises a number of liturgical and sacramental opportunities for students including - Opening of School Year, prayer services, Carol Service, Remembrance Services in November, Sixth Year Graduation, prayer services in accordance with the liturgical year, and meditation.

In St. Ciaráns Community School the Chaplain also highlights the liturgical seasons for all faiths, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddishm as well as highlighting relevant secular celebrations. The Chaplain provides each student with opportunities to learn new ways of talking to God. Prayer experiences are offered to help develop a relationship with God.

Student Care Team

Student wellbeing issues are dealt with by this Team, both individually and through the team’s regular meetings. The Chaplain is a member of the team where they can liaise with the Principal, Deputy Principal, Guidance Counsellor, SEN Coordinator and relevant support personnel. In consultation with families, in-school and/or externally sourced supports are put in place for students, where appropriate.

The Chaplain alongside school management and student support members, plays an important role when the school community is faced with particularly difficult and challenging situations, as laid out in the school’s Critical Incident Policy.

Social Outreach and Justice

Social Justice is well embedded in the ethos of the school in a cross-curricular, organic way. The Chaplain supports this and promotes a spirit of concern for others within and beyond the school community. Helping those in our own and the wider community through service programmes is also an area that the Chaplain helps students become involved in through programmes like the Pope John Paul II Awards, the Zambia Immersion Programme, Cycle Against Suicide and Pieta House’s Darkness Into Light.

The Chaplain will also raise awareness of social justice problems and moral issues in our locality and worldwide, for example, poverty, child labour, war, human rights.

School/Parish/Home link/Community

Our school is in St. Colmcille’s Parish, Kells and many students come from here and the surrounding parishes of Moynalty, Carnaross, Kilskyre, Nobber and Bohermeen. The Chaplain seeks to strengthen the connection between school and the local community by encouraging students to become involved in their own local Church and Faith communities.

The Chaplain provides a vital link between home and school, especially when a student is experiencing difficulties either at home or in school. This can take the form of visiting or ringing parents, listening to their concerns, and providing relevant help or referral. The Chaplain may also visit students during times of illness or long absenteeism from school.

Religious Education

As a teacher, the Chaplain is a member of the R.E. Department and is involved in the delivery of the R.E. National Curriculum along with other members of the Religious Education Department.

Kells, County Meath, A82N677
Tess School Attandance Digital Medal childine 2023 - 2025
© 2025 St Ciarán's Community School