Student Council

The aims of the Student Council are:

  • To enhance communication between students, management, staff and parents.
  • To promote an environment conducive to educational and personal development.
  • To promote friendship and respect among students.
  • To support the management and staff in the development of the school.
  • To represent the views of the students on matters of general concern to them.

Students are invited to bring any issues they have to the attention of the relevant Council members and their concerns will be discussed at the weekly meeting.

In their own words:

The Student Council is a student group representing the student body of St Ciáran’s Community School. It is conducted by student representatives from each tutorial class, from every year group.

Student Council members provide a forum for students to get involved in issues that are important to the student body. The Student Council aims to create a sense of ownership of the school for students and promote activities among the student populationthat are meaningful to them. Through the Student Council students can get involve and express their ideas throughout the school and local community.

We, the Student Council hope to help our teachers and School management facilitate and promote an environment that is beneficial to the educational and personal development of all students. We hope to encourage every student to pursue their goals and ambitions and promote a culture of respect and friendship among the student body.

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